June 2004

The Good News is on the air!


Bulletin nº 14 (June 2004)

The Bulletin of the Prayer Network for the Evangelisation of Spain

Pray that the Word of God may spread rapidly and be honoured. (2 Thes. 3:1)

What is this month's Good News?

No, it isn't the royal wedding! The Good News, this and every month continues to be that which brings true joy, transforming bad into good, bringing peace and hope to every person who receives it in his heart. The Good News is the message incarnated by a person who, as the late Cuban misionary in Spain, Rodolfo Loyola, used to say, is never out of fashion. He's the Prince of Peace! So, greetings in Christ's name as you pray that the wonderful Word of God, his message of salvation, may spread rapidly and be honoured, bearing much lasting fruit. This month we focus on the evangelical media in Spain, as they enable many homes across Spain to hear the Good News.

1. The Good News is on the airwaves. "LA FUENTE DE DAVID" (David's Fountain),

is a radio programme produced by Evangelism in Action (EEA) in colaboration with TransWorldRadio (TWR). Since last December it has been transmitted on over 60 local radio stations known as Fórmula Hit and can also be heard on internet at http://www.formulahit.com from Monday to Friday at midnight local time, 22.00 GMT. The producers are pleasantly surprised by the large number of listeners. If you would like the list of local stations, contact EEA at: eea.malaga@evangelismoenaccion.com

Pray Ephesians 6:19 over this request!

2. TV2 Good News TV

This official nationawide programme of the evangelical churches goes out now every Sunday at 08.30 local time. Its director, José Pablo Sánchez, tells us, 'We receive an average of 25 calls in response to each programme. We can then pass on an average of five of these to local churches to follow up their interest. The programme which in recent times brought most interest was one on The Passion of Christ with 100 calls. We offered them the Agape-Campus Crusade leaflet.

Prayer pointers: This year is important as the political changes will affect the structure of public television and, therefore, the religious broadcasting. Pray that this restructuring may be more advantageous than the current one. Pray also that we be creative in the way we make the programme, which takes two days each week to produce. Many of the older programmes are now available for churches and regional Evangelical Councils to use on local and regional TV stations. For more information (in Spanish) go to: http://www.buenasnoticiastv.org/


This is a radio and TV programme for the region of Galicia. On the Internet the last ten weeks' programming are available at: http://www.nacerdenovo.org If you can get Hispasat, the TV programme is on CANAL + DIGITAL (TVG), every Tuesday night, just before the late night news. This is starting to bring in calls from every part of Spain. As an evangelistic ministry, one of our key prayer requests is for the translation of our book Cambio de Ritmo (Change Pace) into English. One of the players who was converted here is now playing for Middlesborough and will distribute the book to all Premier Division players he meets over the coming season.

4. http://www.delirante.org uNa nUevA CriAturA aCabA dE EmeRgeR

Delirante is a new vision to reach the young through apologetics, through their honest questions about God and Science, Suffering, Philosophy and Faith, Sex, etc.. These and other subjects about which people talk are covered in a humorous manner. It is also helpful for believers with the materials it provides for apologetics, but evidently it is primarily an evangelistic site, centering on Jesus of Nazareth in a personal way.

To get people to the site, hundreds of posters have been distributed around Madrid, home to the four young evangelicals who have created the site. Now others have joined the team, with the aim of establishing forums for debate among those who are spiritually interested. Thus the Gospel will be able to be communicated in an understandable way, without making excessive demands on the surfers. Delirante also hopes to organise social help and community service programmes into which to bring searchers. Do pray for these young people!

Other regional and local media

Pray also for programmes such as: : RKM y TVerbo, radio y televisión de REMAR en España. TBN, Onda Paz, TeleVida, Pan del Cielo - Canal Sur TV. Tiempo para Euskalerría - ETV. Málaga Media Ministries.

Many letters of encouragement are coming in from around the world, as people pray for Spain. Here is a letter from Argentina, which shows that they are praying for Spain, the after-effects of 3/11, for the salvation of many, etc.: Queridos hermanos: Que la paz del Señor Jesús inunde vuestros corazones. Oramos por vuestro pueblo, puntualmente por las familias de las víctimas afectadas en el atentado del 11 de marzo. Oramos por España, para que encuentren en Cristo el camino a la salvación. Y que a vosotros, los fieles, les sea revelado anticipadamente por el Espíritu del Señor toda palabra de sabiduría para que puedan estar firmes ante los dardos de fuego del maligno. Sean benditos, hermanos, por vuestro compromiso incondicional. Reciban nuestro humilde apoyo espiritual, esperando que estas palabras les sean de bendición y puedan transmitirles un tanto de fuerzas para seguir luchando por la gloriosa causa de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Con amor fraternal. Mario Insegna, del Ministerio "Gente Comprometida con Jesús". Córdoba, Argentina.

Upcoming events and activities

5. Destination Barcelona

This summer the Forum in Barcelona is attracting a lot of attention from all round the world. 24-7 and Contracorriente will together work to reach the thousands visiting the Forum. http://www.contracorriente.org E-mail: info@la-lanzadera.com More: http://www.prayforspain.com/comment/index4.html and http://www.prayforspain.com/home/index2.html (Go forum).

6. Many more upcoming events.

Take a look at the events calendar to learn of more upcoming evangelistic activities happening around Spain. http://www.prayforspain.com/projects/index3.html

Dear Prayer Partner, thank you again for praying for the media and these other topics. The Lord said that all that we ask, believing, we will receive (Mt. 21:22) May it be so!