Ceuta & Melilla

Enclaves on the north African coast, bordering Marocco, these towns are unlike Spain in many ways, yet at the same time have certain very Spanish characteristics. Much of their life centres round the cross-border trade and they are a focus for the smuggling operations of groups wishing not only to bring in illegal drugs and tobacco, but also people. While rather forgotten by mainland Spain, they are nevertheless far more developed than towns across the Moroccan border. There is a considerable military and police presence.

A far higher proportion of the population is muslim, but there are also hindus and people from other religious backgrounds.


This is the main crossing point between Europe and Africa, being situated on the straits of Gibraltar. Indeed, together with Gibraltar, it is regarded as one of the 'pillars of Hercules' defending the entrance to the Mediterranean.

Population (1/2008): 77,320 of whom 3,082 (4%) are foreigners The population declined over the 4 years to 2005, but has now picked up slightly.

Web info.

BBC background on the enclaves

The churches

Membership (PTL 1997): 89
Churches: 4

The Bible Society has a book shop and much of the testimony of the town seems to centre around this and associated ministries.

Easter procession, Melilla (CJM)

Easter procession, Melilla (CJM)


Population (1/2008): 71,399 of whom 6,422 (9%) are foreigners.

Web info. (Spanish)

The churches

Membership (PTL 1997): 100
Churches: 1 (Vademecum 2005: 2)

Towns with over 5,000 inhabitants with no evangelical church: (These are both single administrative entities)

Unreached towns (both communities): none. More info.