Topics from the Spanish News for your Information and Prayer
Pray4Spain news
 Click to open in same window In addition to this site we have a Facebook page. Most of our passing comment is now on that site. We hope it will help to involve more in praying for Spain.
We hope the new additional service via Facebook will enable us to post passing comment on the news. One way or another, you should notice a different perspective. Since the successful of the service, we have been increasingly unable to maintain both this web and Facebook to the level we would like, due to other commitments. We are also aware of the ageing appearance of PrayforSpain, due to the breakdown in an effort two years ago to relaunch it. We are now contemplating a new, multi-platform approach, which would retain this site as our main base, providing background information, while moving news and opinion to Facebook and a possible blog.
We would appreciate your opinion, either via our comment page or on Facebook.
Whatever, if you do have a Facebook account do take a moment to visit and hit the principal 'Like' (or 'Me Gusta') button at the top!
We regret that over the past three months we have not been able to keep up the regular coverage of news and prayer issues, due to other commitments. We hope that by mid-April things will be getting back to normal.