About Spain
Getting to know Spain
 El Pilar cathedral at Zaragoza by night "As I've travelled around Spain, I've asked all manner of people to describe what being Spanish means. I've yet to hear the same answer repeated twice." (The BBC's Katya Adler reporting from Madrid, 24 Jan 2005; click -twice- to view to full report)
There are many ways that people perceive Spain. Most ideas are probably correct, but not perhaps as complete as they could be, even for those who have visited the country. Here we attempt to give an answer... from a protestant/evangelical perspective.
The following four pages will link you to information which could help you to understand more about the country, its opportunities and needs... all the better to pray for Spain!
The dire spiritual needs of the country are set in the context of an economically struggling land which has had a long period of plenty followed by a serious recession, building bust and now international rescue of its banking sector.
On the regions site, in addition to general information, you will find information about the churches and in some cases, news from individuals in the area.
If your concept of Spain comes from operas, like Bizet's Carmen, then you will enjoy this Youtube video, which has nothing to do with real daily life!