

Ken and Alison Barrett have been in Spain in the Madrid area, since the end of 1985. Most recently they have been living in Alcala de Henares, having previously lived in Santa Eugenia, Madrid.

Preaching at 'KM0' in Madrid's Puerta del Sol

Preaching at 'KM0' in Madrid's Puerta del Sol

Ken on red box with read board! (Photo: KM0)

Ken on red box with read board! (Photo: KM0)

They are working with the Brethren Assemblies. Ken is an elder in the church at Nueva Alcalá, a modern high rise district of this historic city. But their involvement in God's work takes them far beyond the walls of their church building, as you will read in their reports.

Ken Barrett, October 2010 (Dani Van Bemmelen)

Ken Barrett, October 2010 (Dani Van Bemmelen)

On the following page you can read more about Alcalá:

Alcala de Henares, city hall - (click 'ingles' on right of menu).

You can follow more of their weekly and daily activities for prayer by becoming a friend of “Ken Barrett” on Facebook or asking to send you their weekly update for prayer which includes our requests.

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Peru and Brazil, January - February 2010

For English click on the link above.

¡Este es el Programa!

PERU / BRASIL. Enero de 2010

VIERNES 15 VUELO. Madrid a Lima, PERU

SÁBADO 16 VUELO Lima a Trujillo

DOMINGO 17 Mensaje en la iglesia de Chiclín valle Chicama (tema libre)  11 a.m.

LUNES 18 al VIERNES 22 Clases de Capacitación Bíblica en Centro Bíblico Trujillo

SABADO 23 Charla a jóvenes del CBT (tema libre)  08 p.m.

DOMINGO 24 Mensaje en el Centro Bíblico Trujillo  11 a.m.

LUNES 25 Libre

MARTES 26 Mensaje en la iglesia de Chepén (valle Jequetepeque)   08 p.m.

MIERCOLES 27 Mensaje en la iglesia de Ciudad de Dios   08 p.m.

JUEVES 28 ¿?

VIERNES 29 Mensaje en la iglesia La Victoria  (Chiclayo)  08 p.m.

SÁBADO 30 Mañana: Iglesia Latina (10am), Tema: El liderazgo en la Iglesia   -Tarde: Reunión de evangelización al Aire Libre (5pm)

Noche:   Charla para jóvenes - Iglesia Latina (8:30pm)

DOMINGO 31 Mañana: Iglesia Latina (10am) Tema: Los Dones en la Iglesia

* Reflexión por la Cena del Señor (11am)

Noche: Iglesia Latina (7pm) Tema: Mensaje sobre la Fe

Durante el tiempo en Chiclayo se espera organizar un dialogo con diferentes profesores interesados en el tema de la Educación y el Cristianismo.


MARTES 02 Vuelo de Chiclayo a Lima

Durante el tiempo en Lima se piensa en la posibilidad de un taller sobre "Evangelización del Tablero" en Villa El Salvador (coordinadora: Raquel Fabián).


SÁBADO 06: El Encuentro de jóvenes de la iglesia Bautista Memorial de Jundiaí, "la necesidad de uno entregar la vida a Cristo" o "sin Cristo, estamos muertos", (el tiempo máximo, unos 15 minutos) y otro encuentro con jóvenes (para confirmar)

DOMINGO 07 : Mañana predicación en una iglesia de la Asociación, a decidir. Noche: Bautista Memorial, Jundiaí.

LUNES 08 a JUEVES 11: los talleres de entrenamiento para el IDEM en mi iglesia. A priori serían 4 talleres en la noche, abiertos a mi iglesia y a miembros de las iglesias de la asociación.

1. Predicación al aire libre.  ("Mensajes Evangelisticos Ilustrados").
2.  El testimonio personal  ("Evangelismo al estilo Km.0").
3.  La evangelización personal eficaz ("El martillo del evangelismo").
4.  El uso del tablero de pintura en la predicación al aire libre. 

SÁBADO 13 a MARTES 16  La campaña IDEM: para practicar todo lo que se va a aprender en los talleres. Una campaña holística y evangelística en el pueblo de JOANÓPOLIS, aprovechando las vacaciones de Carnavales.


This is the programme!

Friday 15 Flight. Madrid to Lima, PERU ->-

Saturday 16 Flight Lima to Trujillo ->-

Sunday 17 Preaching in the church at Chiclín valle Chicama (free subject)  11 a.m.

Monday 18 to Friday 22 Bible Training in the Centro Bíblico Trujillo

Saturday 23 Youth group talk at CBT (free topic)  08 p.m.

Sunday 24 Message en el Centro Bíblico Trujillo 11 a.m.

Monday 25 Free!

Tuesday 26 Preach in the church ate Chepén (valle Jequetepeque) 08 p.m.

Wednesday 27 Preach in church at Ciudad de Dios 08 p.m.

Thursday 28 Preach in church at Predio La Línea (Chiclayo) 08 p.m.

Friday 29 Preach in church at La Victoria (Chiclayo)  08 p.m.

Saturday 30 Morning: Latina church - talk on church leadership

Afternoon: Open Air meeting (5 p.m.)
Youth group talk in church at Latina (Chiclayo)  08 p.m.

Sunday 31 Preach in church at Latina  (Chiclayo) 10 a.m. Topic: the gifts in the church - reflection at the Lord's table.
United Service in church at Latina 08 p.m. Message on Faith

During the time in Chiclayo we hope to arrange a dialogue between a number of teachers on the topic of education and Christianity.

Monday 1st of February Free

Tuesday 02 Flight from Chiclayo to Lima ->-

During these 'free' days there is the possibility of an Open Air (sketchboard) Evangelism seminar in Villa El Salvador.

Firday 05 Flight from LIMA to SAO PAOLO BRASIL ->-

Saturday 06: Morning preaching for the young people at the Youth Encounter of Memorial Baptist Church
Noche: preaching for the young people of the Baptist Association Bautista of Jundiaí region (JUBAJ).

Sunday 07: Preach in church of the Association, to be decided.
- Evening: Bautista Memorial, Jundiaí.

Monday 8 to Thursday 11: Open Air evangelism workshop for the IDEM in the church.
A priori there will be 4 evening workshops, open to the host and association churches

1. Open Air Preaching.  ("Mensajes Evangelisticos Ilustrados").
2.  Personal Testimony ("Evangelism like at Km.0 - Madrid").
3.  Effective personal work ("The hammer of evangelism").
4.  The use of the sketchboard in Open Air Evangelism. 

Saturday 13 to Tuesday 16 IDEM Carnival Outreach, with opportunities to put the training seminar into practice. A holistic and evangelistic campaign in the town of Joanopolis.

Wednesday 17 - Thursday 18. Fly SAO PAOLO a MADRID (via SANTIAGO DE CHILE!). ->-

Service agency: Echoes of Service, 124 Wells Road, BATH , BA2 3AH.
Echoes Newsline: 01225 336699

PERU, 2010 - Trujillo

?Map|2+Map Here is a link to a good map showing some of the places you will find mentioned in the coming blog: ?Plans|1 - Programa incial - Initial plans. N.B Hay ciertos cambios al programa que colgaremos el lunes. {There are certain changes to the program which will be posted on Monday.} {Ken has sent the outline in Spanish, so we hope you can understand! No time to translate this week. Click on the heading above to get to the first English section.} 4+Viajes misioneros en 2010 de Ken y de Alison 6+Perú y Brasil Ken sale el viernes día 15 de enero, hacia Lima, PERU. Pide no sólo que sobreviva más de 12 horas abordo en clase turista, sino que su tablero y las pinturas en polvo no provoquen reacciones exageradas de las aduanas en Perú y luego Brasil. Después de descansar una noche con amigos en Lima, toma un vuelo a Trujillo, al norte en la costa. Estará predicando en la zona y en los días 18 - 22 dictará un curso de 10 horas sobre "Doctrinas Fundamentales" en el curso "Capacitación" que se organiza para jóvenes colaboradores de las iglesias. El día 26 viaja más al norte para predicar y el valle del río Jequetepeque y finalmente en la ciudad de Chiclayo. Desde Chiclayo vuelve a Lima para pasar un par de días con contactos entre las iglesias. El viernes 5 de febrero vuela desde Lima a Sao Paolo, Brasil (4 horas y medio con cambio de hora). Su destino es Jundiaí, una ciudad unos 60kms. al norte de SP, con una población de unos 400,000. Recordad que es una zona fuertemente católica y entre las partes más prósperas de Brasil. Es el conferenciante invitado de una asociación bautista de 27 iglesias en la zona. La organización fue hecha por Adriana, quién fue estudiante de un Masters en Alcalá el año pasado. Recordad su doble dependencia en todas las predicaciones y talleres sobre el Espíritu Santo y la capacidad de su traductor al portugués de Brasil. Esta visita culmina en ir a poner por práctica lo aprendido en los talleres en una campaña en un pueblo de provincia JOANÓPOLIS, con una población del tamaño del barrio de Nueva Alcalá. A cambio de las autoridades en Alcalá, allí tenemos la invitación del alcalde y la policía. Orad que el Señor unja y proteja la predicación, el testimonio, la energía, salud del equipo especialmente desde el sábado 13 hasta el martes 16. En términos del clima, es el verano caluroso y cargado de humedad del interior de la costa brasileña con frecuentes lluvias. Por tanto, orad al Señor para que en los tiempos de las actuaciones en la calle no nos llueve por encima para aguar la fiesta. El día 17 Ken vuelve de Sao Paolo. Como su reserva es con LAN Chile esto implica primero un vuelo de unos 4 horas y medio hacia Santiago de Chile (¡Ken espera que al tocar el suelo allí tendrá el mismo efecto vivificante que tuvo para Pinochet!) Luego después de una escala de seis horas, un vuelo de 13 horas para llegar a Madrid. Llega en la tarde del día 18. ¡No le llames! Para seguir sus pasos y comentarios, a partir del día 16 de enero puedes leer el blog aquí. 6+Ginebra Alison aprovecha un fin de semana de enero para visitar a Esther. Esther tiene exámenes ahora y luego tiene que estudiar mucho para escribir su tesina final de Masters. Apreciará una visita de su mamá. 6+Thailand Los días 21 - 25 de marzo, Ken, juntamente con otros miembros de la nueva Junta de Operación Movilización, ha sido invitados a participar en la reunión del liderazgo internacional en Tailandia. Ken está intentando dar gracias al Señor por otro vuelo internacional aun más largo (¿21 horas?) desde Londres y aun más arroz para comer después de disfrutar en Latinoamérica. 6+Slovakia Los hermanos de la conferencia misionera BEREA le han invitado como conferenciante y para contar algo de lo que han visto de la mano del Señor en estos 25 años que llevan sirviendo en el evangelio en España. ?Plans|1+Up and away to the "New" World! - 15 de enero de 2010 {How I will miss a familiar computer in these next weeks. So I will write this before going to the airport. Thanks to all who have assured us of their prayers, by ´phone, email and Facebook, as I journey. Getting two folding sketch-boards, power paints, Evangelicubes, books (and even a few clothes!) into my luggage allowance of 46 kilos has been a challenge. Reaching check in at Terminal 4, with hand luggage as well will be a challenge to our backs. Do pray for rest and that my body does not seize up in the airport or the 12 hours of Tourist class before getting to Lima early evening their time Friday. May I be open to fruitful conversation with my fellow passengers. Apart from adjusting the biological clock I need to know how to repack for the ongoing flight on Saturday afternoon up to Trujillo. Internal national flights have much lower baggage allowances, so I may need to packet some of the books overnight to send them by road transport and avoid large "excess baggage" charges.} 2+¡Al partir para el "Nuevo" Mundo! Echaré de menos el ordenador al que más me acostumbro en estas próximas semanas. Aprovecho para escribir antes de marcharme al aeropuerto. Agradezco a todos que me hayan asegurado de sus oraciones durante el viaje, por medio de mensajes del teléfono, email y Facebook. Meter dos tableros de pintar, los colores en polvo, accesorios evangelísticos, libros (por no mencionar un poco de ropa) en maletas que no deben pasar de 46 kilos me ha presentado con un desafío. Llegar hasta el embarque de equipajes en Terminal 4, con equipaje de mano también desafía nuestras espaldas. Oren para que descanse y mi cuerpo no empiece a dar guerra ni en el aeropuerto ni en las 12 horas de clase turista antes de llegar en Lima por la tarde (hora local) viernes. ¡Qué esté abierto a tener unas conversaciones fructíferas con los pasajeros que me rodean. Aparte de mi biología interna, necesito cierta pericia en saber como rehacer mi equipaje para el vuelo a Trujillo el sábado por la tarde. Los vuelos nacionales dentro del país no tienen permisos de equipajes para tantos kilos. Tal vez debo empaquetar algunos de los libros durante la noche para que continúen por carretera. Así evito gravosos pagos de "exceso de equipaje". ?Peru, llegada|1+Installed in the prophets chamber - Llegada {Yes, the flight was 12 hours long and there was a lengthy wait to reclaim luggage in Lima. Marta' s Mum had come to escort me to their house and fortunately the flight the next day up to Trujillo was not so early so I had plenty of time to reduce luggage weight to what I needed on my trip north. I was received at Trujillo airport by Luis Mosteceiro and Ruben Quispe and taken to the house of the Twinems from Canada. Their large house has a prophets chamber on the roof exposed to the coastal breezes. On Sunday morning we drove up to Chiclin in the sugar growing area half an hour north and I preached at the new premises there only in use a fortnight. This is a great step forward for this testimony. Returned somewhat the worst for the sizzling desert and nursed a fever and stomach upset after a church lunch. The Twinems from Canada have treated me kindly and I hope to be better for the start of the classes I am giving tomorrow.} Si! El vuelo duró doce horas y luego una espera de una hora para reclamar equipaje y pasar las aduanas en Lima. La madre de Marta estuvo para escoltarme a la casa de los Danos y el dia siguiente viaje a Trujillo, pero no demasiado pronto. Hubo bastante tiempo para reducir el peso del equipaje que necesitar'ia en el norte. Luis Mosreceiro me recibio en Trujillo juntamente con Ruben Quispe y me alojaron en la casa de los Twinems, una familia canadiense. Su caserón tiene un aposento de profeta en el techo expuesto a las brisas del oceano. La mañana del domingo nos condujeron a Chiclín en la llanura desértica en la cual plantan azucar, medio hora al norte. Prediqué en el nuevo local que solo abrieron hace un par de semanas. Ha sido un paso adelante muy significativo para aquel testimonio. Volví algo demejorado por el calor del desierto y lucho con un estomago estropeado despuees del almuerzo de la iglesia. Los Twinem me ha tratado bien y espero estar en condiciones para comenzar las clases que importo mañana...a las 8 de la mañana. ?Calor, Heat|1+La aspiración mas grande - the greatest objective {Another hot morning with my classes at 8am and 12 noon. Still giving out some of the books which weighed down my luggage from Spain, as many of the workers have come to participate in the course. But have also received a couple of small booklets published here. Among them the story of Bert and Norma Elliot written to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary and service for the Lord in Peru. At one point in the book in an interview they are asked "What has been the aspiration which you wanted to see carried out and did not manage? Norma answers that point with "to see the churches well established with a good group of mature elders. is something that the new missionaries are doing. There are many churches where the leadership is still weak in many aspects. There are leaders with a great need as far as there commitment and preparation goes..." From these veteran workers comes the reason for putting in these hours in the heat. Hope to drop in to see the Elliots tomorrow. They are always an inspiration even if Bert normally crushes the life out of me with one of his bear hugs!} Otra mañana calurosa con mis clases a las 8 y a las 12. Sio distribuyendo algunos de los libros que pesaron en mi equipaje desde Espanya, porque muchos de los obreros han venido para ensenyar en los ursos. A cambio tambi'en he recibido un par de libritos publicados localmente. Entre ellos la historia de Heriberto y Norma Elliot escrita para celebrar sus 60 años de matrimonio y de servicio para el Señor en Peru. En el curso del libro el entrevistor les pregunta "Cual ha sid la aspiracion que quisieron ver realizados y no lograron alcanzar y cual si?" Norma contesta "...ver iglesias bien establecidas con un buen grupo de ancianos maduros. Creo que eso no lo logramos aún. Eso es algo que los nuevos misioneros están haciendo. Hay muchas iglesias donde el liderazgo aun es debil en muchos aspectos. Hay líderes con mucha necesidad en cuanto a su preparación y compromiso. Sin embargo damos gracias de todas maneras por los líderes que hay..." Estos obreros veteranos dan la razón por invertir estas horas en el calor. Espero visitar a los Elliot mañana. Siempre me inspiran aunque algunas veces salgo aplastado por uno de los abrazos fuertes de Heriberto! ?roof top, en el tejado|1+Better the corner of a housetop... {Will make the most of a computer connection this week from a private house rather than the caprices of how public cyber salons work in Peru. Among my generous hosts are Lucho and Anne Laure Mostecero who having attended to the needs of visiting relatives now want me as their guest for a few nights before I move on from Trujillo early next Tuesday morning. I am minded of what the Lord taught his disciples about taking up hospitality on itinerant ministry. "Don't house hop". My corner of the roof top is very comfortable but a little far for walking to the Centro Biblico where the ministry is based in these days. Maybe if they insist, I ll move after we have seen the students through to Graduation on Friday. Apart from morning classes, tomorrow (Thursday) I am to give the Bible meditation at the prayer meeting and then give the Graduation address on Friday night. A few well chosen words in Peru on both occasions is about 20 minutes. In the UK these days many think that' s an expository sermon.} Aprovecho al máximo la conexión con Internet esta semana desde una casa particular en vez de sufrir los caprichos de un locutorio y como funcionan en Perú. Entre mis anfitriones generosos están Lucho y Anne Laure Mostecero quienes, despues de atender las necesidades de familia que les han visitado, quisieron tenerme como huesped unos noches antes de mudarme de Trujillo a la primera hora del martes por la mañana. Me hace recordar de lo que el Señor enseño sus discípulos en cuanto a recibir la hospitalidad durante el ministerio itinerante. "No vayan Vds de casa en casa". Mi rincón del tejado está bastante comodo pero un poco alejado para alcanzar el Centro Biblico andando, el lugar en el cual la mayor parte del ministerio se basa de momento. Tal vez si insistieran, mudaría después de conducir a los estudiantes hasta su Graduación el viernes. Aparte de las clases por la mañana, el jueves doy la meditación bíblica en la reunion de oración y luego el discurso de graduación el viernes por la noche. Pero unas pocas palabras bien meditadas en Perú en las dos ocasiones equivalen mensajes de 20 minutos. En el Reino Unido hoy por hoy muchos piensan que tanto es un sermón expositorio. ?Trujillo, lugares vecinos, neighbouring villages|1+"Vamos a los lugares vecinos..." Let's visit other places {In between morning classes this morning I was met by a delegation from Ucupe, a township on the road between Chepen and Chiclayo in the north. They were headed by Juan Rabanal, the church leader who is also school master to the sugar cane town. "We came to see when you were going to visit us this time". And there was I thinking that I had the programme more or less sown up in Peru with more than enough to do. However not including them was an oversight, and so telephone and emails have tried to find some time for an evening meeting. It reminds me of what should be my response, as the Lord said in Mark 1. 38 "Let us go into the next towns that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I have come forth". . Roof repairs have meant that I have kept awake efficiently in the afternoon heat, the hammer blows helping my concentration on the written work of my students. Between chunks of commentary copied out and those who don' t answer the question, one really does need to believe that the Word of God reaches through to us despite a lack of organised thinking. Will be sharing at tonight' s prayer meeting a meditation on the marvels of what Christ has given the church from Mat. 18. 15 - 22, Pardon, Preaching and Prayer.} Entre clases esta mañana encontre una delegación de Ucupe, un pueblo en la carretera entre Chepen y Chiclayo en el norte. Fue capitaneado por Juan Rabanal, el anciano de la iglesia y el maestro del colegio en este pueblo azucarero. "Venimos para ver cuando vas a visitarnos en esta visita". Y esto cuando pensaba que tenía todo el programa cerrado en Perú con más que suficiente que hacer. Sin duda no incluirles en el itinerario fue un olvido y por tanto los telefonazos y correos electronicos han intentado arreglar algún tiempo para una reunión de la tarde. Me hace recordar que mi respuesta debería ser, como dijo el Señor en Mc. 1. 38 "Vamos a los lugares vecinos, para que predique también allí, porque para esto he venido". . Reparaciones del techo esta tarde me estimularon por sus golpes en el calor de la tarde a fijarme en corregir los trabajos escritos de mis estudiantes. Entre los bloques que habían copiado de los comentarios y los que se dedican a no contestar la cuestión, solo nos cabe esperar que la Palabra de Dios nos alcance a pesar de la falta de pensamiento organizado. Esta noche estare compartiendo una meditacion sobre las maravillas de lo que Cristo ha concedido a la Iglesia desde Mat. 18. 15 - 22, Perdón, Predicación y Oración. ?Graduation, Trujillo|1+Graduation Day Trujillo {The Training Course run in Trujillo has its final day today, after which the students who have come in from the provinces will start their journeys home. Fortunately the national transport strike which provoked some stoning of buses earlier in the week appears to be on the way to a negotiated end. My own class were evidently tired after long night sessions to get written work and revision done last night. The centre' s library looked as if a bomb had hit it this morning. Their end of course test with me, as so often with written work here in parts of Latin America, gave no clear indication of whether the course had clarified their ideas or not. Much food for reflection about the general anti - intellectual mindset of many evangelicals, even when what is being dispensed is coherent Bible study, not subversive theology! The mid day lunch for staff and students was well presented and appreciated and I shall later swelter in a proper shirt and trousers in order to give the Graduation address on Juan 15. 1 - 8. May these students return to their local churches and bear fruit!} El curso Capacitación en Trujillo tiene su dia final hoy, y luego los estudiantes que han viajado desde las provincias emprenderán sus viajes de regreso. Afortunadamente la huelga nacional de transportes, que provocó el apedramiento de unos buses de linea durante la semana parece que este en vias de terminarse negociada. Mi propia clase estuvo cansada esta mañana después de trasnochar para terminar trabajos escritos y el repaso. Esta mañana la biblioteca del Centro parecio la escena de un atentado. El test al final de curso que hicieron para mí, como suele pasar con el trabajo escrito en algunos lugares en Latin América, no indico claramente si la enseñanza les había alcarado sus ideas o no. Mucho para hacerme pensar acerca de la mentalidad anti-intelectual de muchos evangélicos, aun cuando lo que se da es estudio de la Biblia coherente, ni es teologia subversiva! El almuerzo de mediodia para profesores y alumnos fue bien presentado y muy apreciado. Mas tarde pasare calor vestido formalmente de camisa y pantalones para hacer mi discurso de Graduación sobre Juan 15. 1 -8. Que vuelvan estos estudiantes a sus iglesias locales para llevar fruto! ?océano, ocean|1+Between the desert and the deep blue sea - Entre océano y desierto {This morning I changed house top for the last three days of my stay in Trujillo. From Lucho and Anne Laure´ s house top I can see through the mist on the one side the shimmering desert foothills around the base of which is sand and closer towards Trujillo the fingers of green of irrigated fields. In the other direction ocean going ships follow the Pacific coast. And through the heat haze the sun breaks from time to time. Last night´s graduation of the training course saw over 40 people, mainly young, finish their course in high excitement. More significantly for the longer term future of these courses, the leadership was formally handed on from Rubén Quispe to younger national coworkers. It was a privilege to publicly commit this step into our Lord´s hands in prayer. As Rubén gives himself to more itinerant ministry, please pray also for the deepening of spiritual life among the churches. I hope to spend time with Rubén and Marlene early this evening. This quietly efficient brother has carried a tremendous load for the benefit of the work during years. May my graciousness grow by contact!} {In my thinking for Trujillo I had not particularly thought to emphasize what the Lord has permitted the ministry of Kilometre Cero to do in Madrid. However Anne Laure and Lucho would love to see these insights into public evangelistic ministry shared and taken up in the Peruvian context, so after the youth meeting tonight I have agreed to do an introductory talk about Kilometre Cero. The Madrid leadership has been in my prayers this weekend as they have sought to spend time away to look to the Lord for direction and equipping for this year. Timothy, Lucho and Anne Laure´s older son, has a birthday tomorrow. The frisson of gateau du chocolat has floated into my nostrils this morning as I prepared some of next week´ s messages. So a house overrun by birthday party children tomorrow!} Esta mañana cambié un tejado por otro para los ultimos tres dias de la estancia en Trujillo. Desde el tejado de Lucho y Anne Laure puede divsar por la neblina a un lado las colinas áridas del desierto rodeados de arena, reverdeciendose más cerca a Trujillo donde hay las secciones que tienen riego. En la dirección contraria la navegación de los barcos siguen la costa del Pacífico. Y por medio de la neblina se asoma el sol de cuando en cuando. La graduación anoche en el curso Capacitación vio a más de 40, en su mayoría jovenes, terminar el curso con mucha emoción. De más significado para el futuro estratégico, la dirección pasó formalmente desde Rubén Quispe a unos colaboradores nacionales más jovenes. Me fue un privilegio encomendar al Señor en oración este paso. Según Rubén vaya dándose a más ministerio itinerante, orad para que se profundice la vida espiritual entre las iglesias. Espero pasar tiempo con Rubén y Marlene en la primera parte de la tarde. Este hermano tranquilo pero mu eficiente ha aumido en si un tremendo cargo por la Obra durante bastante tiempo. Espero que mi capacidad de actuar con tanta gracia del Señor me contagie! Al planificar para estar en Trujillo no había pensado enfatizar tanto lo que el Señor ha permitido el ministerio de Kilometro Cero hacer en Madrid. No obstante, Anne Laure y Lucho están entusiasmados con compartir estas perspectivas sobre el ministerio publico de la evangelizaion y ontextualizarlos para Perú. Así, después de la reunión de jóvenes esta noche, me he preparado a dar una charla acerca de Km. 0. El liderazgo del ministerio en Madrid han sido objeto de mis oraciones este fin de semana según vayan reuniéndose para mirar al Señor para guiar y equipar en este año. Timoteo, el hijo mayor de Lucho y Anne Laure, tiene un cumpleaños mañana. El olor de pastel de chocalate me ha llegado como fragancia aceptable esta mañana cuando intenté avanzar con la preparación de los mensajes de la semana que viene. Así podemos esperar una invasión de niños en casa mañana! ?Sun and Moon, sol y luna, history|1+Entre el sol y la luna - Between sun and moon La frecuencia de mis predicaciones se ha acelerado este fin de semana pasado. El sábado por la noche tuve la oportunidad de estar con los jóvenes del Centro Bíblico Trujillo y luego tuve toda la congregación delante el domingo por la mañana, unas 300 personas. Después de las fiestas para celebrar el cumpleaños de Timoteo Mostecero en la piscina cercana por la noche salí a Wenchasao. En este distrito se levanta un nuevo local de reuniones. A la luz de unas luces predique a unas congregación de 14 personas mirando arriba a las estrellas. Ahora, desde el terremoto de Ica hace dos años y medio, se decreta que todos los edificios deben construirse de material noble, no de adobe. La semana que viene empieza a montar las maderas para poner el piso de la primera planta. No tendré en otra visita la oportunidad de predicar bajo las estrellas. Pero qué privilegio en dos fines de semana seguidos predicar en dos locales nuevos que se levantar como evidencia del avance del testimonio en diferentes lugares. A la primera hora de de esta mañana me fui llevado al proyecto arqueológico Huaca del Sol y de la Luna. Una huaca es un pirámide de adobe construido durante la civilización Moche desde 200 hasta 800 años después de Cristo. La escala de estas pirámides escalonadas es impresionante, especialmente subiéndolo bajo el sol. Mi guía me dio una explicación muy clara de todo el arte y el trasfondo religioso, social y político. Lo que me dio para pensar es la razón por que, sin ser conquistados, estos sitios tan espeluznantes fueron abandonados. Surgió disidencia interna frente a los cambios climáticos y desastres naturales. En otras palabras, perdieron su confianza en sus dioses. ¿Y desde dónde viene el desmoronamiento de nuestra sociedad? Escribí en el registro de visitas ¨El fundamento de nuestra sociedad viene de como pensamos¨¿Así lo ves? {The pace of my preaching was stepped up over the last weekend. On Saturday night I had the opportunity of being with the young people at Trujillo Bible Centre and then had all the congregation before me on Sunday morning, some 300 people. After the party to celebrate Timothy Mostecero´ s birthday at the swimming pool, in the evening I went out to Wenchasao. In this dsitrict they are putting up a new meeting place. Under some light bulbs I preached to the congregation of 14 people looking up to see the stars. These days, since the earthquake in Ica some two and a half years ago, its been decreed that all buildings have to be made out of solid material, no mud brick. This next week the work of putting the wood caissons in place to build the first floor starts. I won´t have the opportunidad on the next visit of preaching under the stars there. But what a privilege it has been on two consecutive weekends be in two new premises which are being built as evidence to the advance of the testimony in different places.} {First thing this morning I was taken off to the archeological project know as the Sun and Moon Pyramids. These pyramids are made of mud brick and came about during the Moche civilization some 200 to 8oo years after Christ. The scale of these stepped pyramids ( zygarats?) is impressive, especially when climbing up them in the sun. My guide gave me a very clear run down on the artwork, and the religious, social and political background during the tour. What really gave me pause for thought is the reason why, without being conquered, these horrifying places were abandoned. Internal dissent arose because of disturbing climatic change and natural disasters. In other words, they lost confidence in their gods. ¿And where is breakdown coming from in our society? I wrote in the visitors book ¨The foundation of our society comes from the way we think¨.¿Is that the way you see it? }

Peru, 2010, part 2 - Ciudad de Dios

?Map|2+Map El mapa es de la zona local de Ciudad de Dios. Abra el enlace para un buen mapa de Perú. {The map is of the Ciudad de Dios area. The link is to a good map of Peru showing some of the larger places you will find mentioned in the blog: Ciudad de Dios is close to Pacasmayo, to be found on the coast near Cajamarca. Photos !} ?Ciudad de Dios|1+Desert crossroads, encrucijada en el desierto {Arrived in City of God and found my timetable slightly altered by a dispute over a corpse. The church in this place is sadly depleted at the moment by the immigration even though Peru is experiencing relative economic prosperity. However the one day time visit I was to make was to speak at a wake, until some relatives from the mountains came and took the body off to bury at their village. They were detained by the police for the lack of a death certificate and I had not desire to speak inside the police station. So the programme came to a dead stop, you might say. This evening I will travel over to Chepen to speak there but the churches are sadly uncooperative with each other at the moment. May I know how to speak the Lord´s power and peace into the situation.} Llegué en Ciudad de Dios y encontré mi itinerario ligeramente cambiado por una disputa sobre un cadáver. La iglesia aquí está tristemente reducida de momento por la inmigración aunque Perú mismo experimenta un momento de relativa prosperidad. De todas formas la única visita durante el día fue para hablar en el velatorio, hasta que los parientes de la sierra vinieron para llevar el cadáver a su pueblo para enterrarlo. Fueron detenidos por la policía por falta de un certificado de defunción y no tuve deseo de predicar dentro de la comisaría de policía. Por tanto el programa llegó a un punto muerto, como dicen. Esta tarde viajo a Chepén para predicar allí pero las iglesias locales aquí están tristemente faltando en la colaboración entre ellos. ¡Qué sepa como hablar del poder y la paz del Señor en esta situación. ?Ciudad de Dios|1+Before the cock crows thrice... Antes de que el gallo cante por tercera vez {Sleeping accommodation at the City of God church is close to the cock lofts of several houses. So tired was I during the first night that neither the all night rehearsal of the dawn chorus nor the mosquitoes managed to take my sleep away. Yesterday night in Chepen brought in another fellowship from Guadalupe and a couple of other churches will join with the believers from the Valley of the Rio Jetequepeque in City of God tonight. Marks of a special visitor are the massive loud speakers that they have installed. Fortunately in Chepen they have taken out the old roof beams and earth roof at Chepen and replaced it with a lightweight sheet and steel girder roof. I have made one or two visits to individuals to pray with them where there was some invitation to do so and this afternoon received my artist friend from Cajamarca. So he has gone home with the payment and my case is now loaded with new portraits of figures, faces and the colours of the Highlands. The floods in Lima and the southern highlands around Cuzco have not reached us, although it may effect flights carrying fleeing tourists next week.} Donde dormimos en Ciudad de Dios está cerca a la gallineras de varios vecinos. Estaba tan rendido la primera noche que ni el ensayo del coro del amanecer durante la noche entera ni los mosquitos consiguieron deprivarme totalmente de mi sueño. Ayer por la noche en Chepen otra iglesia local de Guadalupe vino y hoy un par de iglesias del valle del río Jetepeque van a reunirse con la de Ciudad de Dios. En consideración de una visita especial las iglesias instalan grandes bafles de sistemas de sonido. En Chepen ha puesto un nuevo techo quitando las antiguas vigas y techo de adobe que estuvo al punto de desplomarse. Esta tarde recibí una vista de artista de Cajamarca. Ha vuelto con dinero y mis maletas tienen mucho más contenido artístico desde la Sierra. Las inundaciones en Lima y en la sierra del sur no nos han alcanzado en el norte. Puede afectar los vuelos de la semana que viene según vayan huyendo los turistas. ?Ucupe |1+Ocupado en Úcupe - Occupied in Ucupe Después de tener una reunión de la noche en Ciudad de Dios que incluyó a los hermanos de otra iglesia en Puente Olivares, me llevaron el jueves a Úcupe. Fue en 1999 que primero visité este grupo que fue una célula en casa del anciano Juan Rabanal. Nos enseñaron un terreno arenoso y hablaron de sus planes de levantar un local y dependencias. Algo del progreso de los edificios vimos Alison y un servidor en 2008 y por la noche de jueves se juntaron más de cien personas procedentes de dos obras - la de Úcupe, y de Paganga. Aunque no tenemos las inundaciones del sur de Perú, el calor aprieta fuertemente. Pero un poco antes de las 5 de la tarde, salí con Juan y un jóven en la iglesia que fue un estudiante muy aplicado en el curso de Trujillo en el cual participé, e hicimos visitas a personas recién convertidas al evangelio. Alguna casa será bien humilde, con sus suelos de tierra y los animales de cría por todos lados. Pero el gozo del Señor es muy evidente y transformador. Partimos en la noche (incluso con una llovizna) después de predicar para llegar tarde en casa de los hermanos Oscar y Teresa en Chiclayo, una ciudad grande y bulliciosa. A lo largo de las visitas a Perú han llegado a ser familia en el Señor de mucha confianza, y Oscar delegó en su hija Lizeth (una estudiante de medicina) las comunicaciones. Por tanto el jueves terminó sobre medianoche con revisar los planes y expectativas del fin de semana. {After an evening meeting in City of God, which brought in the brethren from the Olivares Bridge church, they took me on to Úcupe. It was back in 1999 that I first visited this group which was then a house church cell led by the elder Juan Rabanal. On that visit they showed us a sandy piece of land and spoke of their plans to raise a building with surrounding complex. Something of the progress on the buildings Alison and myself could see back in 2008 and on Thursday night more than an hundred people came together from two works, that at Úcupe and from Paganga. Although we haven't had the floods of southern Perú, the heat has been oppressive. Notwithstanding a little before 5 in the afternoon, I set out with Juan and a young man from the church who was a very diligent student at the course in Trujillo in which I participated. We made visits to people recently converted to the Gospel. Some houses will be very basic, with an earth floor and farming animals all around. But the joy of the Lord was very evidente and transforming. We left at night (under a light drizzle) having preached to get to the house of our brethren Oscar and Teresa in Chilayo, a big and bustling city. Throughout the visits to Perú this family in Lord have come to be trustworhty coworkers. Oscar had put all the communicatios in the hands of his daughter Lizeth (a medical student). So Thursday finished around midnight with going over the plans and expectations of this coming weekend.} ?Chiclayo, Open Air, Aire Libre, casa redonda, round house |1+From the round house to the public square. De la casa redonda a la plaza pública. {My host's house in Chiclayo has no corners in the rooms because it is round. From there I have ventured out on the varied programme prepared for me among the churches here. On Friday evening I went to an area called La Victoria, to which church I have returned several times since it moved into its premises in 1999. The smoke from the cooking braziers in nearby houses made speaking difficult for the first few minutes of the meeting. I spoke on the basis of our hope as Christians, the motivational rocket fuel of our worship and service and how the Lord graciously restores hope to those who are discouraged. Returned to the round house and a near riot in the street outside, caused by the visit of an investigating attorney reconstructing an accident - at 10 pm at night! This morning there was a more liesurely session with the Latina church elders to talk about leadership related issues, at the end of a week of prayer and fasting. We concentrated mainly on John 13. This was followed by an invitation to a restaurant whose speciality was guinea pig, washed down by libations of Inca Cola, the yellow sweet liquid associated with the Peruvian soft drink industry but now owned by Coca Cola. . This evening at 5pm we issued forth to the public square to preach with an improvised sketch board. I had come armed with enough clips, powder paint and brushes to put together a provisional kit collected in a cardboard box. But the believers were enthused by the interest shown by the public and the conversations which arose. After a cup of tea I am heading off to the youth meeting, which is at a low point right now. Tomorrow is less relaxed! In the morning I teach for one hour on Spiritual Gifts in the Church, followed by the devotional in the Breaking of Bread and another session with the city elders before lunch. In the evening there is only one message to preach. Keep praying for the unction of the Holy Spirit and God's sustaining touch on my voice.} La casa de mis anfitriones en Chiclayo no tiene rincones porque es de forma redonda. Desde allí he salido en un programa variado preparado para mí entre las iglesias. El viernes por la noche estuve en una zona que se llama La Victoria. En esa iglesia he estado varias veces desde que ocupó su local en 1999. El humo de los fuegos para cocinar en las casas me dificultó el hablar durante los primeros minutos de la reunión. Hablé acerca de la base de nuestra esperanza como creyentes, aquel combustible motivacional para nuestra adoración y servicio y de como el Señor por su gracia restaura la esperanza a los desanimados. Volví a la casa redonda y a la amenaza de un motín en la calle fuera, ocasionado por la visita del fiscal investigador que reconstruyó un accidente, ¡a las 10 de la noche! Esta mañana me reuní en una sesión más relajada con los ancianos de la Latina para hablar de temas relacionados con el liderazgo al final de una semana de oración y ayuno. Fijamos la atención principalmente en Juan 13. Seguimos con una invitación a un restaurante que especializó en "cuyi"(conejo de las indias, cobaya), con libaciones de Inca Cola, el refresco amarillo asociado con Perú aunque hoy por hoy regentado por Coca Cola. . Esta tarde a las 5 salimos a la plaza pública para predicar con un tablero improvisado. Llevé en mi equipaje en el norte suficientes clips, pintura en polvo y brochas. Juntamos los aparejos en un a caja de cartón. Pero los creyentes se entusiasmaron por el interés público y las conversaciones que surgieron. Después de una taza de té estoy para marcharme a la reunión de jóvenes, que pasa un momento bajo en la actualidad. Mañana es un día más cargado. Por la mañana enseño una hora sobre "Los Dones Espirituales en la Iglesia", seguido por un devociónal en torno a la Mesa del Señor y luego otra sesión con los ancianos reunidos de las iglesias en toda la zona, que se reúnen cada mes. !Por la tarde solo tengo que predicar una vez! Seguid orando por la unción del Espíritu Santo y el toque del Señor para fortalecer mi voz. ?Chiclayo, Lima, schools, escuelas|1+Suspiro limeño or a breeze in Lima {The educationalists on Monday afternoon at Chiclayo, showed their true vocation in coming a distance in the heat to listen to the subject matter. Many work in Christian schools which supplement the very basic state provision especially in the country areas. But all long that their teaching should impact the lives of the children. Tuesday morning there was an early flight to Lima where it was cooler. A friend made during his attempts to find work in Spain, came to find me at the airport and take me to the house of Jorge and Marta. Managed some rest despite workmen in to hammer away. Today I hope to lunch with Margaret Saunderson, veteran missionary with Latin Link and Lima church planter over the last 25 years. Then in the evening, on to a training session for sketchboard preaching in Villa El Salvador, a sprawling formalised "young town" some distance from the comfortable suburb where I am temporarily installed. May the Lord´s light shine through His word preached.} Los educadores en Chiclayo el lunes por la tarde mostraron su verdadera vocación en venir desde lejos en el calor para escuchar al tema. Muchos trabajan en los colegios cristianos que suplementan la provisión del estado especialmente en las zonas rurales. Pero todos anhelan que su enseñanza impacte las vidas de los niños. El martes por la mañana tomé el primer vuelo a Lima donde no hace tanto calor. Una persona que se hizo amigo durante su búsqueda de empleo en España, me vino a buscar en el aeropuerto y me llevó a la casa de Jorge y Marta. Conseguí algo de descanso a pesar de obreros que están martillando. Hoy espero almorzar con Margaret Saunderson, misionera veterano con Enlace Latino y una plantadora de iglesias en Lima desde hace 25 años. Luego por la noche, sigo en una sesión de entrenamiento para el tablero en Villa El Salvador, un extenso pero formalizado "pueblo joven" bastante lejos de la urbanización cómoda en la cual estoy instalado de momento. ¡Que brille la luz del Señor por medio de su palabra predicada! ?Lima, California|1+Tea with Rommel, o la merienda con Rommel {On my way to California (a district of Lima) I had tea with Rommel. This engaging boy of some 10 years old was part of a group of children who were having the night at Margaret Saunderson´s flat as part of a "treat" during their summer holidays. The choice of names from European history is sometimes interesting. I think was introduced to "Hitler" once! Margaret graciously had me to lunch and then in the evening the different cell groups from the churches with which she is associated came together at the California church. We crammed as much as possible in for one evening meeting, with an introduction to structuring a message, and an example of a sketchboard sermon for adults and then something for the children. Everyone was enthused, particularly young lads who formerly belonged to street gangs. A folding sketchboard and the makings of a painters kit have been left with Raquel Fabian (formerly a worker for the Lord in Spain) and you could pray for childrens´and adult work to get off the ground in the areas of California, Ventanillas and Villa El Salvador.} En camino a "California" (un distrito de Lima) tomé mi té con Rommel. Este chico comunicativo de unos 10 años formó parte de un grupo de niños que pasarían la noche en el piso de Margaret Saunderson como alo especial durante sus vacaciones del verano. ¡La elección de nombres de la historia europea es algunas veces interesante! Creo que me llevaron a saludar a un "Hitler" una vez. Margarita me había invitado a almorzar de su bondad y más tarde las "celulas" desde las iglesias con las cuales está asociado se juntaron en la iglesia en California. Metimos todo que pudimos en una sola reunión de tarde, con una introducción a como estructurar un mensaje, y un ejemplo de un sermón para mayores y otro para los niños. Todos se ilusionaron, particularmente unos antiguos pandilleros. Un tablero de pintura plegable y los comienzos de un equipo de pintura fueron dejados con Raquel Fabián (hace unos años sirvió en España) y podríais orar para que la obra entre mayores y niños comience en las zonas de California, Ventanillas y Villa El Salvador.

The Celtic Adventure 1 & 2 July in Spain

Dear Friends who pray for Spain,

We are asked every year about details of activities into which young (and not so young) believers can involve themselves in order to help in the work and understand something more of Spain and its missionary needs. Please find below the programme of the two campaigns which Operation Mobilization in Spain will be carrying out this summer. At least hopes to be involved in the first of these, God willing. Please feel free to pass the information on to those who might be interested to sign up, and to church leadership teams who might consider motivating their young people to "look upon the fields that are ready for harvest".

With our greetings in the Lord,

Ken and Alison Barrett


(“The Village Ride” & “El Camino”)

Option Details For the Celtic Adventure 1, “The Village Ride”

Arrival Date:30-Jun-2012

Departure Date:14-Jul-2012

Event Cost:250 EUR

Option Surcharge:0.00 EUR (This is a surcharge for this particular option)

Application Deadline:22-Jun-2012

Ministry Description

Campaign Purpose: To go to the villages of Narón with free literature and perform in public areas with a kid's program.

Brief Description: Narón is the 9th biggest city in the NW of Spain (Galicia). There's only one evangelical church. We will be combining outreach/adventures with tourism, making friends for Jesus and having fun.

Details of Ministry: Orientation & training
Free literature distribution
Puppets performance
Dances, Games and story telling
Friendship evangelism

Participants Profile: keen to have an adventure in Spain and keen to serve Jesus and make an impact in people's lives through friendships

Activities: Creative Ministries - Puppets & Games, Literature & Video Distribution, Friendship Evangelism Other

Notes: People can apply for the 2 options of the Celtic Adventure, and stay the whole month of July

Accommodation: House, Tents, Church premises

Food/Catering: All together at the team house

Travel Arrangements: Fly to Madrid Bus Alsa to Ferrol /or fly to Coruña

Health: Good health

Visa info: tourist visa if not from a Schengen country

Option Details – The Celtic Adventure 2, “El Camino”

Arrival Date:14-Jul-2012

Departure Date:28-Jul-2012

Event Cost:250 EUR

Application Deadline:22-Jun-2012

Ministry Description

Campaign Purpose:To share the faith with pilgrims doing the 120 km. hike to St James (Santiago de Compostela) and friendship evangelism with the local church

Brief Description:To do the 120 km. ride to Santiago for 6 days and then work with the local church in social work outreach and friendship evangelism with the English Café in the evening

Details of Ministry:Friendship evangelism, Social work Outreach English Conversation Participants Profile: All welcome with good health Activities: Creative Ministries - Other, Friendship Evangelism, Coffee Bars


Notes: Bring good walking shoes, back pack and sleeping bag. Sleeping Accommodation: House, Tents, Church premises

Food/Catering: camp style eating (1st 6 days) All together for the rest of the time at the House

Travel Arrangements: Fly to Madrid Bus Alsa to Ferrol / or Fly to Coruña

Health: good health

Personal (Personnel)

OM España/OM Spain

Prayer News from the Barretts, March 2015

Dear prayer partners for Spain and the Barrett family,

Bill Hybels once wrote a book with the title “The bumps are what you climb on”. This may be a somewhat overstated “positive thinking” way of how we, as Christ´s followers, are to focus on the difficulties encountered in His service but it should make us look in faith for outcomes that glorify the Lord.

Kofi Jaus, community outreach

We had planned a Youth Alpha course in the Kofi Jaus for late February. This came up against the spiritual wall among the young people in the gang. They were very closed after the death of the young man about a month ago and the subsequent discovery of his corpse. The official verdict was suicide/misadventure and there is considerable evidence of the use of alcohol and crystal meth. The lack of contact and the silence from the young people was a measure of their insecurity, being a group under suspicion. It could be used by Satan to block the little openness they have to the Gospel if we don´t turn to prayer.

So we have proceeded to hold “open houses" at the Kofi Jaus on Sunday afternoons to try and pick up the threads of contact with the young people handing around there. As our church no longer was willing to come to evening meetings regularly, we have started out again with films and games on some Sundays in the Kofi Jaus next door to the church. Please pray for breakthroughs because many of the young people´s ability to think clearly about anything is affected by the marijuana that they smoke elsewhere (not in the Kofi Jaus, we hasten to point out!)

With every attempted spiritual advance there is likely to be a counter attack. Within the district it may be clacking tongues and misinformation. The Monday dressmaking class has suddenly lost most of its participants and the reasons they give do not all appear to be sincere. Our volunteers need prudence and valour as to when to talk directly about the Gospel and when other approaches are needed. It can take a considerable time before we gain peoples´ confidence and even longer until they are spiritually receptive.

Positively, the Kofi Jaus awaits a couple of visits. One is from the group of believers from Villalba, on the other side of the Madrid region, who have decided to reach out using a model of Kofi Jaus, in part copied from the experience gained by interns who worked with us, Jonathan Josué y his wife Silvia. We expect a visit this week to talk through the progress in pursuing their “Kofi Jaus” project to serve the Lord.

The other is from the summer interns in May, young people with either time on a gap year or studying at Bible College who want to learn and serve the Lord through some of our projects. Please pray for all the preparations which need to be made.

SIFRA, crisis pregnancy counselling

Alison, together with our old friends Chris and Hilde Mathieson, and a Christian lady doctor are setting up this Christian organization to offer professional counselling to women in situations of crisis over their pregnancy. It is hoped to link the training offered by SIFRA with the Christian ministry team going into the Estremera prison which has many women prisoners, who need counselling about abortion. An added complication that the prison authorities angle their advice in favour of abortion in order to save the system money! The training session for the team is likely to take place in April, using the facilities at the Madrid Bible Teaching Centre. The prison team is led by a young man whose father is the elder in another of Madrid´s churches with a “Brethren” history. This chaplaincy team is facilitated by the agreements now administered by the regional Evangelical Councils. So please pray that this training offered to the Estremera team can eventually be passed on to other prison teams around Spain.

Rahab run, outreach/rescue for sex trade workers

This month Alison was able to spend part of the first specific donations which the ministry has received. She bought some small MP3 players, like the girls listen to for their phones and radio whilst they are on the street. These are then loaded with Christian messages and music so that they can be lent to specific contacts on the street. In the case of them being handed back then they are exchanged for new reloads! Don´t get the impression of a massive give way of MP3 players, but what these girls need is hope. So this is one thing that´s being tried out by the team at the moment.

We usually report that street contacts are not prepared to leave the street and go into a safe house. However last week on a bank holiday evening it seemed as if the Lord had led the team to a new girl recently trafficked from Africa and really scared by what she was being forced into and by the threats of the “business man” who put up the money for her to travel up through Morocco and come over on a small boat. Once through the Spanish detention centre, the “business man” turned loan shark putting the screws on family back home. These threats are backed by the fear of voodoo practices which exploit superstitious practices of a local Pentecostal group in contact with immigrants. The girl agreed to go with team members to a safe house the following morning but later returned to her “controllers” house. Nothing has been heard or seen of her since and all attempts to contact her have failed. Please pray for the girl (called”Peace”) and the Lord´s continued protection and guidance of the team.

Just showing the mercy of the Lord by offering to help gives some of these people a glimmer of hope in their misery. One lady and her family came to the church, which took considerable courage in itself. But behind the scenes Alison spends hours tramping the industrial estates with her leaving a CV in any likely place for employment. The lady is the only bread winner in her family and has not dared to tell them how she earns her money.

Alcala church

The news about the outstanding debt on the building extension is good. A substantial donation from the UK, together with other smaller helps has take the outstanding figure to below 8000 Euros. Another UK congregation, which mainly prayer supporters, is organizing their annual Thank Offering, part of which will come to Alcala this year. Any extra from the Lord´s provision will go towards some second hand seating.

There are one or two other extra costs after a blocked waste pipe caused us a problem recently; and we need to resize and resite noticeboards, the church sign over the door and all the regulatory emergency signs. Please continue to pray for the official planning/licencing inspection. It would be noteworthy if we had all the bills paid within 12 months of starting the purchase and extension process. Eliezer Martín, the person who led the extension project, is suffering arrhythmia and needs treatment. It´s the recurrence of a former condition, not related to the stress of dedicating his retirement to this project. Please pray for him.

The daily pastoral business for Ken at the moment has more to do with discipleship. People need to seek the Lord and to do so because they hear Him speak and recognise His voice through Scripture. Finding that time together, even when the person is spiritually thirsty, is a weekly battle. A who is from a Han Chinese IB background, make a step of commitment a fortnight ago because he was able to link up with Chinese speakers. Almost immediately his boss moved him away from the shop (apparently temporarily) where he was employed with his Christian wife. J, an ex-addict has declining health and so the only fellowship he has during times in hospital are the readings and prayers of Christian visitors like Ken. Another man O has a month at home before his next seasonal job takes him away from his family. Others fight resentments, depressions and students have changing study commitments (and overseas students always want to “see Spain” at the weekends). One of the constant Chinese students at the moment L is reading the Bible and listening to her Christian flat mate U. So please pray for the alphabet remembering these needs! Positively, last Sunday we had a new preacher, Michel, one of our own young men from the congregation – a noteworthy event as there are only three others on the preaching roster. Ken is the preacher on Easter Sunday this year.

We had our annual Church meeting on a Sunday during March, a legal requirement which gives an opportunity to present the accounts, our economic planning and reports from different aspects of the ministry. Please pray on for unity and the ability to focus beyond ourselves.

Madrid Bible Teaching Centre

Please pray for:

1. The annual General Meeting is on April 11th. Ken prepared three of the administrative reports as we review our work in the Centre, especially in publications. Please pray that these reports would serve to inform, inspire and unify the efforts of different brethren.

2. We are still waiting for a positive outcome as the revisor struggles with the translation of Charles Marsh´s “Too Hard for God?” Please pray that this project´s progress would prove that the answer is “No!”

3. Generational renewal of those prepared to learn in the different areas of our ministry with the national magazine, publications and teaching, as well as the library/Archive.

4. Our next course teacher for October, Samuel Escobar, who has recently been bereaved.

5. Ken´s next presentations of the CEFB New Testament Bible Commentary on the weekend of the 11th - 12th April in Seville.

6. Our publications partners in the Dominican Republic, Prensa Bíblica, as they plan a co-edition of “Rules of Bible Interpretation” for the Bible Schools that the Templos Biblicos hold this year. Your gifts has made it possible to part finance such essential Christian books.


Some problems can just make a day wearying. For instance an attempted robbery of our car over the weekend damaged the master door lock and made the vehicle vulnerable to the return of the thieves. Between the police station, the insurance company and the concessionary who has to order the new lock, a whole working day has so far been lost.

The other time waster are plans which don´t come to fruition, such as placements in the Kofi Jaus, visitors who send several emails about possible dates and then can´t come and the student/discipleship meetings which don´t materialise. That´s not to say that seeking the Lord´s will doesn´t mean trying out plans, but we realize that we´re running a tight time budget, which some folks forget. May these people be for us, as George Verwer so humourously terms them, “grace growers”!

It is the moment of annual reports and accounts which have to be presented in a number of the legal bodies and teams to which we belong. Alison is treasurer of the Association behind the Kofi Jaus; and does most of the accounting for the Madrid Bible Training Centre. That means preparing the billing for our book distributors each year and the mysteries of VAT are still just that!

We won´t see Esther at Easter but she is coming for another weekend instead in April.A trip out to Australia, God willing, is planned for the 15th December and we return on the 6th January 2016. From a ticket price point of view it was cheaper to return to Europe and then for Ken to go on to Peru a few days later rather than making a circuit of the globe.

With our love and thanks in the Lord for your prayers,

Ken and Alison Barrett

Alcala de Henares,


PS. You can follow more of our weekly and daily activities for prayer by becoming a friend of “Ken Barrett” on Facebook or asking to send you their weekly update for prayer which includes our requests.

Support via: Echoes of Service, 124 Wells Road, BATH, BA2 3AH. Tel: 01225 310893 /480635

From the Plain in Spain, prayer news from the Barretts, April 2015

Alcalá de Henares, 24th April 2015

Dear partners in prayer with us for Spain,

Please find our prayer news in full in the letter following these bullets.

Here is a brief summary of some of the prayer points :

1. Publications. Ken has visited churches to promote the Madrid Bible Teaching Centre´s books and to emphasize that reading is one means of assured Christian growth. Meanwhile back in Madrid the Centre´s AGM has reviewed the book and Ken has been reading proofs. Another commentary is at the printers. Please also to continue to pray for a trustworthy outlet for book sales among the Hispanic churches in America.

2. Kofi Jaus continues to see the Lord´s provision and to try and reach out to the unchurched young people of the district. Please pray for the extra stimulus of our interns in the month of May, Lydia and Rebecca.

3. Give thanks for A. who has been reading His Bible intensively and extensively. Pray for increasing maturity in the congregation as they learn to relate to a plural leadership team.

4. Give thanks for encouragements to preach in the open air. Pray for Ken´s voice temporarily affected by a spring allergy.

5. Pray for safety on the road in the UK in June and part of July, for churches and friends to be encouraged in mission and their stand for the Truth.

6. Gratitude for a visit from Esther and a visit from Tim (and girlfriend) in May.

7. May and June are the tax months for declaring and paying. Please pray for our patience in paperwork and the Lord´s provision.

8. Elections in Spain. Please pray that the Lord would raise up honest, effective and wise (ie God fearing) leaders and politicians.

  • -+-*
Dear Partners in prayer for Spain,

Thank you for holding our arms up to pray for people who are precious to God in the Spanish speaking world. Your company in prayer strengthens us when we are so often inclined to discouragement or frustration, when spiritual battles lengthen or don´t seem to go the way we think they ought!

Publications April is a month often associated with the publication of books in Spain. In part it´s because the 23rd April is associated with the deaths of both Cervantes and Shakespeare. It´s also when the prestigious Cervantes prize for literature is awarded a recognized writer or poet from Spain or Latin America. Ken travelled to Seville for the weekend of the 11th – 12th and part of that was to present the books of the Madrid Bible Teaching Centre to two congregations there. The book presentation part of such visits is perhaps the less satisfying. Many evangelical believers are increasingly immured to growing spiritually by reading. However the time was redeemed by teaching another church group about preaching and painting, and going out to the city centre on Saturday evening to practice. The following weekend on the 19th, our former church in Vallecas, Madrid, had Ken to preach about spiritual growth and reading as well. Meanwhile Alison attended the annual general meeting of the Bible Teaching Centre in Madrid on the 12th despite being temporarily deaf. Please pray for the Lord´s blessing on the outcomes of the visits and the plans discussed in the AGM.

In the last fortnight Ken has finished proof reading a reprint of a book on Wisdom literature in the Old Testament and the book of Job which should come from the printer next week. Please pray for Alison as she thinks through a reform of who does the administration of the national magazine Edificación Cristiana. She has run the office for the last 25 years and needs to pass on some of it. It´s not easy to pass on responsibilities on. In the case of the column about international Christian news, Alison only had five years respite with help from another writer and then the task was handed back. It´s good to know when one is considered a “safe pair of hands” but it´s not exactly training up the next generation.

Kofi Jaus April also saw the annual meeting of the Associations committee and associates. The work continues to hold its own with the Lord´s provision coming from UK supporters and the contributions mainly made by grateful users of some of the projects. However our continuing Achilles heel in the work is the lack of suitable volunteers, with the weekly programme held together by four or five helpers. In May we have the help of two interns, Lydia Evans and Rebecca Guevara. We pray that the two or three weeks that they´ll be learning with us, will help in doing something more than the routine opening times for the projects. Please remember to pray for our Sunday evening occasional openings for contacts with the “unchurched” (“unchurchable”?) young people who hang around the area. Several of these are on the fringe of small time crime, doing drugs.

Currently we have not yet got any offers of team visits from outsiders to help in Alcalá from September 2015 onwards. Please pray for the right offers to come in on time. We have had to sympathize with a missionary couple who were put on the spot because one of their sending church suddenly told them they were sending them a team in July. The notice was too short, the team had nothing to offer and the dates were not appropriate to organise useful projects. All this put a young missionary family under a lot of extra pressure during what should be their language learning period. With a little more thought, prayer and prior consultation this could have been avoided. In our own case we are grateful for those offers of help we have received in the past which have helped move the Lord´s work forward.

Pastoral Remember we told you in March that A., who had just made a profession of faith, was moved across the province by his boss. Well, A. found that there was no television in the lodgings where he was, so he set himself to read more of the Bible in his few free hours, separated from his wife. A month later this young Christian had almost read through the entire Scriptures once! How´s your Bible reading going?! We´ve almost come to the end of the international Bible studies because our students have their nose to the grind stone as the end of the academic year looms. Please pray for one last study programmed for the 22nd May, so that as this group disperses, the Holy Spirit may impress on them that His living Word goes with them.

As few of our present congregation come from a traditional Brethren background, not everyone appreciates following the New Testament pattern of having a plural leadership, mutually responsible. So we are again teaching the congregation that they can´t expect to approach the particular member of the leadership team who they think is most favourable to their point of view! Please also pray for us in finding honest ways to encourage those long term unemployed among us who face a tough challenge. Another learning point in a local church who believes that many have something to share from the Word in worship is to help people discern chaff from wheat. Please pray for God´s work in our hearts so that worship doesn´t degenerate into “wordship”.

Preaching in the open air Recently a visitor to the Madrid city centre team came up to encourage. He said, “I liked the way you said it and what you said”. Coming from a Christian, Ken values that kind of comment because that is what we pray that the Holy Spirit will use as we preach the Cross of Christ, thus seeking to draw people to Him. An allergy to one of the kinds of spring blossom has left Ken with a husky voice and running eyes. We are grateful that we aren´t as affected by allergies as some people can be, but suppose that so many years living in polluted air wears down one´s defences.

UK Travel in June and July For six weeks we´re “on the road” in order to visit churches, friends and supporters. For a number of reasons we don´t publish all the details, but if you´ve not been contacted by us during the planning stage (- and we or Ken didn´t see you in January- ) and you would be interested to know if we´re in your area, please drop us a line. We never cover all the ground we want to and yet feel indebted to many in the Gospel. But the Lord in his merciful wisdom only put 24 hours into a day!

We enjoyed a visit from Esther last weekend and we hope she can get some time off work in July to join us as we return to Spain through France. Tim (and girlfriend) have said that they will drop by around the 22nd May on a lightning visit from Australia as they “do Europe”. Please pray that it´s a time of love and communication of things that matter.

Pray for Spain. In May there are municipal and regional elections in the midst of a corruption meltdown with few real options for political change. A revived evangelical church would be key to infusing real hope.

Thanks for giving. Amongst the provisions of the Lord was an anonymous gift of 500 pounds through Echoes at Bath on the 17th March for which we are also grateful. The month of May is when both our Spanish income tax has to be assessed and paid, together with local property taxes. Please pray for our patience in the present atmosphere of increased official vigilance - and paperwork. We rejoice in having seen the Lord´s provision over many years in similar exercises.

With our love and thanks in the Lord,

Ken and Alison Barrett

P.S. You can follow more of our weekly and daily activities for prayer by becoming a friend of “Ken Barrett” on Facebook or asking to send you their weekly update for prayer which includes our requests. Ken is also an editor of the Pray4Spain Facebook page.
“Kofi Jaus Friends” on Facebook and Twitter. UK Representative, Miss Frankie Hildick – Smith,

Interview with Ken Barrett 1st October 2011

... carried out by Jacqueline Alencar on behalf of P & D Imagen, a column within the Spanish Evangelical Alliance News Service.

Qu. How did you arrive in Spain, with a situation so totally different from that of England?

Ans. We got here in November 1985. We were prepared for change because our original target destination was South America. On finding ourselves in Madrid the most obvious shocks came from not knowing the language, on finding an urban culture which was arid and strange to us and on engaging in the struggle with public officialdom who´d never heard of the idea of being there to serve the public. They thought it was the other way round!

Qu. Even having a missionary calling, I understand that it´s not easy to change context. Why do you think that so many go home because they don´t adapt to new situations?

Ans. Suffice it to say that a person with a missionary calling has to adapt within a double context. There´s both the general culture of living and also their religious context. Many go home because they don´t adapt, for the same reasons as many in an immigrant population in general – discouragement, a sense of uselessness and isolation etc. Speaking plainly some of the agencies involved in preparing (missionaries) elsewhere share part of the blame because they haven´t assessed their language learning aptitude or their psychological profile, when confronted with the tough reality of a society in fast reverse gear from God and churches on the ground not very prepared for them.

Qu. Do we really feel responsible for the 377 cities and towns of more than 5000 inhabitants in Spain which have no evangelical testimony?

Ans. Show me the evidence that national brethren are acting responsibly about the parts of Spain still without the true Gospel. I´m the first to rejoice that today there are well grounded advances which have arisen out of a necessary symbiosis of strong outside impulses, not well adapted to Spanish territory and a handful of Spanish people who have taken on a real burden as far as the spiritual necessities of our country. But there are also other paper projects which we fear we must call purely “speculative”, either to bring in money or justify the viability of denominational or para-church institutions.

Qu. Do the methods of evangelism need renewal? Or is it that we have lost the passion? When we do evangelize, have we lost sight of the wholeness of the person?

Ans. It´s true that many of our evangelistic methods have come about through a particular vision of how to approach the needs of the human race and they have got stuck in unhelpful and outdated stereotypes of what is social and spiritual need. On choosing how to evangelize we need to seek from God the creativity, the freshness and the perception which His missionary Spirit gives in abundance to those who ask it. Our vision of the wholeness of the people we want to reach comes from the compassion of Christ which flows from people transformed by him. It is neither an intellectual equation, nor is it produced by working up an atmosphere in interminable sessions of entertainment/praise which has replaced agonized prayer. Fear of God comes from what He says, and we evangelize because we are persuaded that the tough love of Christ that there is no alternative. We do it from a heart which only desires His glory. If God´s word has that focus, do you understand why our so-called “passion” looks a trifle “wet”?

Qu. Are young people a priority in evangelization? After all they do represent 40% of the Spanish population.

Ans. It´s very orthodox to say “But of course!” They tell us that not only are they an important part of the population but that most testimonies of conversion come from those of under 25 years old. But to affirm such a priority should not make us childish in the message we preach, because we are doing young people a disservice when they have to live out the Gospel as “salt” in a complicated world and not slink off to a religious ghetto.

Qu. For a missionary is it important to be sensitive to context, to culture and to change...?

Ans. It´s part of his work, always as long as other believers understand that, as they are part of the same enterprise, they also need to practice sensitivity. It doesn´t come automatically to anyone, because today in a plural society each one of us has to wake up to the microcosms alongside. Sometimes in an urban context with so many cultures jostling along together, we choose to ignore what´s not so easy to cope with, when our obedience in love to Christ should make us sensitive to the voice of the Spirit who still speaks, as he did to Phillip in Acts 8. 29 “Catch up and stay close to that chariot”. Of course it might involve a little more running than some are used to...?

Qu. Can we talk about “Kilometre Zero/on the Red Box”, this way of evangelizing in which you also take part to proclaim the message of salvation in the middle of the Puerta del Sol in Madrid? Some would consider it an outmoded way of going about things...

Ans. Everyone´s entitled to their opinion, although we listen more to those critics who speak from a practical involvement with evangelism. The public proclamation of the Gospel on the streets, when it is well done, is one of the glories, not only of the evangelicals, but of any society which says that it recognises religious liberty. It´s imaginative use speaks volumes about the spiritual temperature of the church of the Lord – and many times the reactions of our hearers are a barometer also of the public´s. I wouldn´t wish to place an absolute value on any series of evangelistic practices which, as I happen to believe, still reflect the priorities and contents of the proclamation of the message of Jesus Christ; but in the midst of the gathering spiritual night which I see both in the “Christian” church as well as society, I will not put it aside whilst the Lord gives me strength.

Qu. For some while now you´ve been “Atlantic hopping” to visit countries like Peru, Brazil, and the Dominican Rep. What is the purpose of your presence there?

Ans. Solidarity and fellowship in those things related to the Cross of Jesus Christ which have made us joyfully together heirs of the Father. I hope and prepare myself to preach and to teach most of the days of these visits. But it is also my privilege to stand amazed at how God, through different instruments and rhythms, has raised up local churches with faithfulness to His word and the same desire to extend the Good News.

Qu. What importance does the promotion of the Brethren Historical Archive hold for the Spanish evangelical world? Who forms part of this team?

Ans. In Spain, partly because of the special circumstances which shut evangelicals out from society and civil life repeatedly in modern times, there has come down to us a very good resource in photos and documents. We have not just one archive in Madrid, but in several points around Spain. These points coincide with centres of activity still linked to Brethren history, in which different groups have taken on themselves the task of cherishing their history. Having different teams of people from the local churches, instead of putting everything under the control of qualified “historians”, watches over the patrimony better and multiplies the viewpoints and questions with which this block of historical material is to be approached. To hear the voices of men and women who were faithful in their generation is a way of extending our own experience and it makes us more humble when faced with their sacrifice and what they got right; and more dependent on God when seeing their failures and what was left undone.

Qu. You´ve spent several years behind projects of the George Borrow Society in Spain, through publications, meetings, travels... Does this Society follow the trail blazed by the English Bible seller?

Ans. I entered the field of George Borrow studies a long time after other more distinguished Spaniards, attracted or provoked by that man that Miguel Unamuno described as someone who knew the Spanish well. Really the Society reflects a secular interest, both in the history of Borrow as well as his literature ¡and a lot more details that bore all but the most dedicated! In my own case it puts me in touch with people from many different walks of life who don´t necessarily share my faith in Jesus. Borrow would have loved all the interest that he continues to provoke because he himself dramatized his own role in Spain. As far as the practice of selling Bibles, times have changed, although I still see the need of distribution as equally valid, alongside the living witness of those who follow Christ. But I would focus the true significance of Borrow in Spain in the close identification by his public of his person with the free access to a version of the Holy Scripture, not controlled by any religious power structure. No doubt it was a passing identification, and quite likely the perception was more absolute in Borrow´s mind that in that of the public, but it held within it the hope of real change in Spain. Such change has been the dream of many, but it was Borrow who hit the nail on the head by insisting that it would only come by knowing the Saviour just as he revealed himself in the Scriptures. The George Borrow Society does not follow that trail...but do we?