News, April 2009
Regional Elections 2009
On 1st March there were regional elections in the Basque Country and Galicia, two of the regions with most autonomy. In Galicia, home of the national Partido Popular leader, Mariano Rajoy, the right wing has again won a majority, after the Socialist PSOE and regionalist BNG parties ran the region for the past 4 years. In the Basque Country, the right of centre regionalist PNV has been in power since the advent of democracy, but is now in the position of having won most seats, but is unable to return to government as the 'constitutionalist' parties led by PSOE now have enough seats to rule. In the Basque Country politics has been dominated by the independence movement in which terrorist group ETA is most visible. Yet PNV also has aspirations to independence, or at least a very high level of autonomy. Against these aspirations, the 'pro-democracy' constitutionalist main-line Spanish parties have won a vote of no confidence in policies which have encouraged ETA to believe it is winning its war on Spain.
See the comment on the results from the BBC.
The Economist comment
More in the news resumé.
There are also elections for the European Parliament in May.
For information about elections in recent years, please go to our comment page.
For more information on the background to the Basque elections Go to the news theme on Basque politics.