News, February, 2007
News from the Churches
 José Cardona José Cardona dies. Evangelical NGOs get 989,000 support from state aid for activities not related to worship. Barcelona's Evangelical Hospital in news after 2 deaths following plasitc surgery. Evangelical NGO hits front pages and TV news for abuse (see News -Feb 1). More Evangelicals in prison than Catholics - it's official. Church of 1200 to be thrown out of building in Zaragoza. Philip Yancey visited Barcelona. Juan Lopez, former Defence Commission assistant, dies. Read on!
One of Spain's most influential and beloved evangelicals over the past 50 years died on Wednesday 21st February. He was 87 years old. He had been ill off and on the the past months, due to developments in his diabetes. José Cardona was a Baptist pastor and for many years General Secretary of the Evangelical Defence Commission, which later became FEREDE. His death comes shortly after that of his former Defence Commission and FEREDE assistant Juan Lopez (see below).
In the second round of aid given to religious groups other than the Catholic Church, through a special foundation, evangelicals get 970,000 Euros this year. Muslim groups get 1.6 million, reflecting the need and size of the muslim community. The much smaller Jewish community gets 252,000. In addition, the foundation has seen fit this year to award funds to the 3 federations for their 'insitutional strengthening, in the case of the FEREDE amounting to 675,000.
Feb. 16th. Catalan health services have closed the Evangelical Hospital in Barcelona, one of the oldest in the city, due to two deaths in a week following plastic surgery. Both were carried out by visiting surgeons (who rented the theatres) and in different theatres, giving rises to deaths from dissimilar causes, but the authorities were concerend by this succession of events. In the entire region only 18 deaths have ocurred in similar circumstances in 6 years. Health authorities, however, have stated that they see no signs of negligence by the hospital.
The Evangelical Hospital has cared for believers in the city for over a century and was one of the first evangelical works of its kind, remaining to this day the only evangelical hospital in Spain. During the Franco era the hospital was protected in a role as the hospital of the foreign (British and German) communities. It returned under the direction of evangelicals in the late 1970s.
In recent times it has been feared that deteriorating buildings are leading to a lowering in the quality of care. But staff are fully professional. Staff are hired on their professional qualifications more than on faith grounds.
Feb 7th. An Evangelical NGO, Nuevo Amanecer, (New Dawn), has decided to close down its home for mistreated women after accusations of abuse. Protestante Digital informs that the staff of the centre have declined to comment on the situation, after it first blew up on 1st February -as reported in our News page- and the women were interviewed the following day on TV. It appears that the situation had been untenable for some months, but only when the press got to grips with it did the government react. It is very regrettable that this event may close new doors to evangelical social action, which rarely gets a positive mention despite much good and hard work.
It's official! There are more evangelical church reps involved in prison visiting than Roman Catholic priests, according to the government. The gypsy denomination, Filadelfia alone has 20 offical reps, the total rising to 223. In contrast, there are only 2 Jewish reps. Are evangelicals so much more sinful?
The Betel (WEC) church in Zaragoza has been meeting for 3 years in rented accommodation in the old station building, El Portillo. As from 28th February they must leave, as the station will be adapted for new rail use. The city authorities had promised to find new accommodation or at least some ground to build, but have not produced. Over 1200 members will be affected, 3 times the number that moved in 3 years ago. Half seriously, they are proposing to meet in the El Pilar square in front of the cathedral, which marks the spot where the Virgin is supposed to have met St. James!
[Image 52???]Philip Yancey visited Barcelona 18th to 21st January. As part of the 25th anniversary celebrations of the regional Evangelical Council, Yancey spoke at various churches and other meetings, including the International Church and the IBSTE Bible school. Photo at Sabadell-Castellarnau Baptist Church.
Carlos Anacondia preached in an evangelistic campaign in Córdoba, 8th to 10th February.
On 27th January Juan Lopez died. Juan had been a mainstay of the Evangelical Defence Commission, forerunner of the FEREDE. Born in 1947, he was led to the Lord by Spain's best loved American Missionary, John Blake (of Decision) and was also one of the first students at the GEM Bible School, IBSTE. He had liver disease. The death comes close on the heels of news about the illness of his past boss, José Cardona, who is now recovered from a time in hospital. (Go Churches)
A rock fall in early December badly damaged the buildings of IBSTE, the Bible School in Barcelona, founded by the Greater European Mission. We are glad to announce that the Lord kept all personnel safe and unhurt. Parts of the main building and three family homes have been temporarily closed, the families being lodged on other parts of the site. The school occupies an old hotel close to the beach at Castelldefels south of Barcelona. It was founded in 1972 by GEM missionary Jim Fasold. End January: the town council has now taken responsibility for the rockfall -or rather the repairs. Immediate repairs will make the school safe again, while long-term further measures are under discussion, including the provison of a new piece of land to locate the school.
Pastors in Palma, Mallorca have established a new working relationship, which may end in a regional 'Evangelical Council'. The churches in the Balearic islands have for several reasons been unable so far to work so closely. Not least is the problem of insularity. The agreement was signed on 27th January and COMIBAL, a confraternity of ministers came into being. Pastors and ministry leaders from outside Palma are now being invited to join.