News, November 2007
News Theme, The immigration crisis
 Desperation (AFP) Reports, almost daily, of open boats known variously as pateras (coming from Marocco or Algeria) or cayucos (reaching the Canary islands from further south), combine with stories of illegal 'paperless' immigrants attempting to cross the fences at Ceuta and Melilla. Add to these high profile stories the situation of hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans and Romanias, not to mention Asians and you have the appearance of a significant immigration crisis. Throw in the confusion and disagreement of politicians as to how to deal with the phenomenon and you have a real crisis.
 Rescued from an open boat (EFE) Whether the crisis is seen in cases of deaths in the attemt to reach Europe or simply politicians arguing in the Cortes, the problem lies firstly in the suddenness of the phenomenon of immigration - just a decade since it really began and five years since it began to be noticed. Secondly, Spaniards have for many years been emmigrants. In the time of the empire they went as masters, but then lean years followed and the 19th and 20th centuries were a time of mass migration from Spain to Latin America in search of work. Later, Europe also received many Spanish migrants. Thus there are many alive who spent some of their life working abroad. Now that Spain has an ageing population and needs extra labourers, migrants are in principle welcome. The problem is how to deal with the immense flow of illegals. And thus the political arguments -over both immigration in general and illegals in particular- continue while migrants try their luck. The news resumé will be found full of examples of the latest events, while occasionally there is a more in depth article on this page.
Look also at the background comment page.
BBC in depth report on Muslims in Europe
Some of the 30.000 arrivals in the Canaries in 2006 are sent home - BBC.
BBC Panorama programme 'Destination Europe'
BBC pictures of Civil Guard patrol