News, October, 2005
News from the Churches
Anglican international student hostel opens in Salamanca The new hostel, to be officially opened on November 5th is not some protestant plot to undermine this famous Catholic intsitution! But indeed, Salamanca is Europe's oldest university and many foreign students study there. It is named after Atilano Coco, former IERE (anglican) pastor in the city and friend of philosopher and profesor Miguel Unamuno, who was shot by order of Franco. The hostel has 50 rooms.
The IERE also celbrates the 125th anniversary of the election of its first bishop, Cabrera.
Evangelical Social Projects get government money for first time On 10th October the joint foundation of religious minorities and the government met to agree the projects which will be sponsored by the government. Most projects presented have been accepted and get between 3000 and 6000 Euros. Major recipients are Diakonia, IERE and IEE.
Diakonia is a joint social project related to the Churches' Federation, which got by far the largest sum, 50,000, while the traditional Anglican (IERE) and Presbyterian (IEE) churches also presented 'winning' projects awarded over 20,000. The total list of projects covers 4 pages. Likewise, money went from the foundation to Islamic and Jewish social programmes.
One project which was thrown out early on was a pastors' pension fund. Pastors' salaries are specifically excluded from government subsidy, an agreement which the government would love to extend to Catholic priests!
Applications for the 2006 round are now open.
Julia Doxat Purser of the European EA met with Mercedes Rico, Director of Religious Affairs (Justice Ministry) on 5th October in Madrid. This was Julia's first official visit to Madrid and this is a welcome sign of openness from the government. They were both also involved in a forum at the Madrid International Institute, founded by an American evangelical and where Rico studied.
Julia remarked that it appears Spain is still riven by differing attitudes to the Catholic Church, its values and role, above all other issues.
Julia is currently Socio-Political rep of the EEA and was for a number of years it's Brussels representative. On Monday, 3rd, she was met by the Catalan religious affairs secretary. She also made a number of speeches at public meetings in both cities. The emphasis was on strengthening awareness of Spanish protestantism in general and also stemming the tide towards a totally lay view of the State, where the religious is a strictly private matter. The visit was coordinated by the Spanish EA.
Accident- 2 dead A car returning to Zaragoza from an Aglow meeting on Sunday night, 9th October was involved in a crash. Of the five women in the car, 2 died, while the remaining three are in hospital. They were from the Betel church in Zaragoza.
Zaragoza evangelism awareness weekend 25 made a commitment to serve the Lord in fulfilling the Great Commission during a weekend led by the Spanish Evangelists' Conference for pastors and others in Zaragoza. The various orientation and challenge sessions were attended by up to 150, of whom 25 responded to the invitation made by president Carlos Gomez.
The weekend ran from 30th September to 2nd October. Sessions covered the need of Aragon and Spain in general as well as a presentation of the work of the Conference Pastors were also able to share their joys and frustrations. A similar event is planned for Cordoba in February.
Sources El Mundo, TVE, EP, ProtestanteDigital, Ferede