News, August 2005
News from the Churches
Festimadrid reaches 75,000 Over June 24th and 25th, this major Christian street festival featuring musicians from the Hispanic world and speaker Luís Palau took place in the Plaza in front of Madrid's Las Ventas bull ring.
 Rocio Jurado with Luís Palau and 'El Puma' Many of those attending the event were Latins or Gypsies, two groups with a far higher than average evangelical presence. Popular singer Rocío Jurado was invited onto the stage to be prayed for, as she has a diseased pancreas. Several hundred came forward to be prayed for as they asked Christ to be Lord of their life.
A week later, the same venue was used for a five hour mega MTV concert with the likes of Shakira singing. 18,000 attended.
New English speaking church on Costa Blanca The new church arises from the union of two recently started independent house groups, one of which was led by its very own bishop! They have a summer team from Witham from 25th July to 3rd August. It appears to be a non-Anglican charismatic Episcopal church, rahter in need of a native English-speaking webmaster! More:
Madrid's Radio Encuentro forced to close On 18th June this station will be forced off the air after licencing authorities finally turned down the request made 3 years ago. Radio Encounter is a station broadly supported by the city's churches and all are disappointed at the news. Programming for other stations and an internet service will continue.. (Sorry only Windows Media).
1500 in 'Jesus Lives' march in Seville. On 28th May a mass street celebration/march was held in Seville and 1500 joined in. The activities began with several hours of activities in La Cartuja island, where the 1992 World Fair was held. Then, in the evening the assembled masses marched to the Tower of Gold, where gold brought from Spanish America was stored back in the 16th century. Here a concert was held.
Sources El Mundo, TVE, EP, ProtestanteDigital, Ferede