News October 2003

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BULLETIN Nº 7 (October '03)

The Bulletin of the Prayer Network for the Evangelisation of Spain

"All by itself the soil produces grain - first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come." (Mk 4:28-29)

THE AUTUMN IS HERE! And with it the so awaited rains. Likewise, our churches are planning a new round of evangelistic and other activities for the new school year. As the countryside around us is transformed, we observe the work of the invisible -yet very visible- hand of our Creator. The autumn rain, wind and cold do their work in nature, removing the leaves from the trees and thus their beauty, leaving us with a sad and even depressing sight. Why? So that while the tree is more protected above ground from the weather, meanwhile the sap can strengthen the roots and trunk, preparing it to bear more fruit the next year. Can I learn something in this about the Lord's work in my life? He is doing His invisible work, not just in those for whom I am praying, but also in me.

31 OCTOBER - NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE EVANGELISATION OF SPAIN What? Wasn't it meant to be the 5th? Yes, it's true that we had announced that date. And if you church prayed, thank you so much! However, for several reasons, not the least being that after the summer we were unable to prepare properly, we decided the last weekend in October, going over into November, would be more appropriate. The reasons are: 31st is both the 'Day of the Reformation', anniversary of Luther pinning his theses on the door of the church in Wittenberg, but also Halloween, or All Souls' day, a day -or night- when evil is almost encouraged. The the first of November is also All Saints Day, a day when Spaniards remember their dead and visit the cemeteries. It is a particularly good opportunity to pray for Spain at this time when people are open, if in the completely wrong directions, to look, albeit briefly into and beyond the grave and the spiritual dimension. We would long to let these people know those words of Jesus: "I am the resurrection and the life!" How important it is to be able to give an answer for the hope we have at such a time! Finally, as we take the opportunity to extend this prayer day to become a weekend, we hope to give wider opportunities to churches not only to pray in their services, but also to organise other activities, encourage personal evangelism and so on. For example, we hope there will be Friday night paryer vigils, including going out onto the streets to pray-walk for young people; Saturday we could take advantage to arrange local evangelistic activities - some are already planned- or inter-church rallies. And finaly, as said, on the Sunday our attention could be raised during services to the urgency of the work and of prayer for Spain, and an offering could be taken.

DEAR BROTHER/SISTER! You, who are reading this are the ideal person to move this in your local church, city or region. This what you could do:

  • Talk and agree with your pastor and prayer coordinator to distribute the special November Prayer Letter which we will be sending out end October.
  • Ask for the National Prayer Guide (in Spanish only: and make the entire month a time of prayer / fasting for Spain. Get other churches or prayer movements involved.
  • At the very least, take five or ten minutes during your service to present the need and pray for Spain. If possible make the day's offering one for the evangelisation of Spain via the Spanish Evangelists' Conference.

In the next bulletin there will be more ideas.

WHY DOES YOUR HEART BEAT? And how is God's heartbeat concerning the evangelisation of Spain? We are asking the leadership team of the Spanish Evangelists' Conference and other church leaders to share their concerns with us. Here is what the treasurer, Luciano Arévalo, also pastor of the El Salvador baptist church in Valencia has to say: " I believe that we as a church need to become more aware that it is God's entire Church which He has raised up to reach the city where we are. Each different congregation needs to understand this essential detail and thus join together with a common objective, to work with a defined strategy and plant churches in neighbourhoods where there are none, but where there is most response to the Gospel. Should we be able to mobilise a good number of believers and work more systematicallytogether, the cities will be reached more quickly and God become known."

MOTIVES FOR PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING. Several campaign leaders have now sent in their reports which have been the cause of great rejoicing. They are now on-line at: <projects: 8>. We trust more reports wil also become available by then.

INFORMATION OF INTEREST (Evangelism resources)

  • "RESCATEMOS" is a ministry dedicated to evangelism. It offers motivational messages to mobilise believers to evangelism, weekend church-based seminars and an Internet portal with resources E-mail: Alfredo SCHURCH.
  • CURSO DE CAPACITACIÓN DE EVANGELISTAS, A training course run by Decision from 8 Nov.'03 to 13 June '04, the second Saturday each month in Madrid. The aim is that each participant should establish a local church based evangelism programme. And this is part of an overall strategy to reach the many parts of Spain where there are as yet no churches: Ted Blake, E-mail:
  • PRAY FOR SPAIN: no more to be said

Please pray for all these initiatives, keep people informed and use them... and if you know of others, let us know so that we can in turn inform others and see workers released to the harvest (Mat.9:38).

This bulletin is meant to be circulated. Please print it, copy it and pass it around! The complementary Prayer Guide (in Spainsh) is available from Should you be interested in signing up for a 15 minute slot in the 24 hour prayer rota, please send us a message from the contact forms on this site!

AS A MAN WHO SOWS SEED ON THE GROUND: while he sleeps or is awake, at night or by day, the grain takes root and grows without him understanding how. The ground produces its fruit. Dear brethren, this is our confidence. Let us therefore not dismay if we do not see the immediate fruit of our prayers. God is at work! Let us wait in hope and trust His invisible hand!