September 2003

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Arise, Spain and SHINE!

BULLETIN Nº 7 (September '03)

The Bulletin of the Prayer Network for the Evangelisation of Spain

'Persevere in prayer, watching with thanksgiving' (Colossians 4:2)

PERSEVERE IN PRAYER. This is the first of the ideas which we want to emphasise in the bulletin for September. Our permanent prayer chain has now 500 links. We have prayed for the past six months with a minimum commitment of 15 minutes each week. We have covered many topics; many evangelists have benefitted from our prayer; many lives have been touched by the eternal message of the Gospel. We Praise the Lord for the privilege of being part of His prayer army. Ecclesiastes says 'a threefold know is not easily broken.' Union brings strength! We made an initial commitment to pray until the start of September, but realise we are only just beginning. We believe the Lord would have us continue. Many are the reasons to give thanks for answers to prayer. We have a special day of prayer lined up; Christmas evangelistic events are just round the corner. Therefore, we are committed to keeping the prayer chain going. We trust that you will all want to continue. But if anyone cannot keep on, let us know and we will understand. Then we will be able to open that time slot for others. Please pray that we will be able to complete the 24 hour chain! We would now like to see it continue year round.

THANKSGIVING is our second emphasis this month. Only one leper returned to thank Jesus, a Samaritan. We have, sadly, had few reports from the churches and groups which sent in prayer requests, but we are sure that blessing must have resulted. We therefore praise the Lord for far more blessings than any of us know or appreciate.


The Spanish Evangelists' Conference has designated the first Sunday in October as a special day for prayer and celebration of what the Lord is doing among us in this area. We would love to invite concerned people within and outside Spain to join us in this and get their churches involved, too. If you are part of a prayer group for Spain or on the leadership of a church or other ministry, involve others! How can you get involved?

  1. Check this site for the special bulletin which we plan to make available during the last week of September. (Pray this be possible, since PfS will actually be on tour in Spain at the time!)
  2. gather more prayer information from this site and the linked sites, or your own mission links, so that you can collect together a package of information, prayer requests and items of thanks.
  3. collect some more general information about Spain which might make the day more interesting: make Spanish food like a Paella or Spanish (potato and onion) omelette, etc.
  4. have some fun while praying for Spain!
  5. if it isn't possible to do more, take a few minutes to pray through some of the information you have
  6. take an offering or make one yoursef and send it to a mission involved in the work in Spain

Evangelistic Activities, September

-Until mid- September: Fuentes de Andalucía, Sevilla, outreach
- (3- 14) Campaign in Játiva, Valencia. Liga de Testamento de Bolsillo.
- (4 - 7) Campaign for young people in Aranda, Burgos. Reaching out to young people in the plazas with music, mime, dance and drama
- ( 7th) Evangelistic Concert, church of San Antonio (Ibiza) along with other churches on the island
- (9-12) Badajoz Baptist Church, Summer Bible School, taking it out on the street to draw in unchurched kids
- (15- 21) Campaign in Madrid. Liga de Testamento de Bolsillo (Pocket Testament eague)
- (18-21) "La Otra Movida" (The Other Youth Movement) Youth Store in El Arahal, Seville
- (21-22) Evangelistic Training. I Badajoz Baptist Church, with evangelist David Price. and on the 27th, campaign in Plaza de las Américas square

Pioneer work and leadership

In Algete, Madrid, the Calle Calvario church of Torrejón de Ardoz is working to establish a church. In particular, the ask prayer for a youth group. This small town is homa, among other things, to the national headquarters of the Jehovah's Witnesses, also the centre for their printing presses for all of Latin America.(The JWs are quite strong in Spain and probably have almost as many members as the evangelical churches. Pray also that JWs, who are obviously open to the teaching of the Bible, will find the truth in God's Word.)

Pray also for the Madrid pastors' fellowship, for unity and commitment to support and encourage each other in outreach and prayer. Also pray for REIMA (Red de Intercesores por Madrid/ Intercessors' Network in Madrid), a network which is being formed to pray in a coordinated way for the city and region.

Pray for all who are leading the way in prayer, in evangelism and church planting. They are constantly under attack and need the cover of our prayers. (Ephesians 6:10-20). 3+Wait on the Lord

Dear brethren, we are longing to hear from you the results of our prayer and yours. We trust that you will have had a refreshing and encouraging summer. May the Almighty, who never tires, give you new strength to face the challenges of the months to come. He raises up the faint hearted with wings of eagles (Is. 40)

May He bless you!