News, November 2004

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A few more news items and where to find more news about Spain:

Personal Debt

25 Nov '04. 43% of homes have some debt and the average among them is 22,000 Euros, mostly mortgages. Those least likely to be in debt are precisely the (otherwise) worst off! Low income families and pensioners are most able to survive, apparently, without incurring debt. Only just over 20% of home owners have an outstanding mortgage. 80% of the families surveyed owned their home. Of great alarm is the 8.5% of families who owe three times - or more- their income. Bank of Spain figures based on a survey almost 2 years old of some 5,000 homes.

Test Tube Tourism

23/11/04 Since Spain has one of the easiest legal regimes for artificial, in-vitro insemination processes, many Europeans are visiting Spain in their desperation to become pregnant. 40% of the several thousand cases each year are foreigners, from countries such as Britain.

Finally, more news from the churches is always available at the Protestante Digital and Protestantes sites: News in English Their past news archives Diary in Spanish, but readable News in Catalan!

This week on Protestante Digital:

Driving the Catholic Church towards financing itself
Protestant school in Madrid reaches 107
Protestant perspective on 400th anniversary of Quijote
Spain gets its first ‘civil christening’
Religion maltreated by politicians and the Press
Successful campaign to get Christmas service broadcast on TV
People unhappy as Islamic classes start in schools
The four pillars of Religious Education
Catholic Archbishop calls out the faithful